Attention Parents of Teens!

This is for you!

Are You A Parent of A Teen feeling Sick And Tired Of constant conflict?

This is a message for every parent of a teen who is keen to embrace a NEW WAY of parenting but can't figure out how to get started.

From The Desk of: Mariana Ardelean
Re: Redesigning Your Parenting Style

Hi, I’m Mariana Ardelean.
I am a Mindset and an Emotionally Fit Parenting Coach who has helped hundreds of parents worldwide shift their ways of thinking.

I'm here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about Redesigning Your Parenting Style!

In fact, here's the biggest problem you face right now.

It's your need to control and to want things to be your way.

But that's not the end of the problem. It actually gets worse! Why?
Because letting go of control is not easy!

This means you'll never experience the joy of connecting with your teen and seeing them for who they truly are.

And, worst of all, most parents of teens can't get past the idea that controlling and dictating to their teen is the way to go because they are the parents, and they know better.

    But Luckily for You There's Now A Solution to Your Problem!!
    But before I get into that, let me share a quick story with you...

    There I was, a stressed and frustrated parent trying to change my son's behaviour.
    The thing is, at the time, I was not getting through to him.
    The big problem was that I couldn't figure out how to get him to do what I wanted.
    That meant I felt like a failure and I was not a very good role model.
    Then, as if by chance, something unique happened...
    I realised that I needed help with my way of thinking and looking at things!
    So, after enrolling in numerous courses and attending seminar after seminar, it became clear to me that I needed to change how I look at things. Slowly, my reality began to shift because I saw that I'd found a new way that worked.

    My plan was to start using and applying what I've learned.
    So, I started shifting my perception. But I didn’t stop there.

    I decided to share this with others, and they, too, got excellent results.
    After that, I rolled out a program to empower other parents in similar situations.

    Bottom line: In the end, I was able to help parents who needed help embrace a new way of parenting, thinking, being, and looking at things, recognising that the old way is causing them constant conflict, disconnection, and daily frustration.

    Building on that success, I decided to create a course to help parents of teens become Emotionally Fit.

    I call it the “Emotionally Fit Parents Program”.
    As a result of the Emotionally Fit Parents Program, I now have a new way to connect deeply and meaningfully with my son and experience calm and peace within myself and at home. Now, I am easygoing, have hardly any hiccups, and have no arguments in my relationship with my now-adult son!

    That's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can achieve these types of results, too!

    So, here's what I've got for you today...

    If you're a parent of a teen who is really keen to embrace a new way of parenting but can't figure out how to get started, here's the solution you've been looking for.


    Some things you'll Discover when you  embrace the journey to creating connection instead of conflict...

    • Gain awareness and unlearn past patterns, allowing you to redefine your parenting approach...
    • ​Transform your relationship with yourself and others.
    • Empower your teenager to embrace their authentic selves...
    • ​Experience a significant reduction in stress, anxiety, frustration, and guilt...
    • ​Tune into and respond to your teen's needs consciously rather than react unconsciously…
    • ​... and much, MUCH more!

      And best of all... you'll start seeing results with "Emotionally Fit Parents Program" in less than 60 days and it costs less than two dollars a day.

      So again, if you're a parent who wants to have a great relationship with your teen, understand this:

      • The old way is not working so you need a NEW WAY to build a long-term, deep, connected, and meaningful relationship with your teen ...
      • ​You can learn NEW WAYS of thinking and looking at things to shift from constant conflict to meaningful connection ...
      • ​You will have guidance as well as structures, with which you can create a safe, supportive, and secure home environment...
      your time is now
      to reinvent yourself
      Are you waiting for “someday” to have Inner peace and Calm

      You know that “someday” never really comes, just like “tomorrow.” 

      Why put your peace and calm off for another day when you can have it now by joining our  “At Home Virtual Mini Retreat" A Day to RESET, Experience Calm and Harmony in Mind, Body Emotions & Spirit?

      You may not get another chance. 

      This quote by Hillel the Elder says it all: 
      “If not now, WHEN?”

      Make this the day you decided to change your life.

      Make it the day you Reset and stop the 'hamster wheel'. Not the day you decided to do nothing...again. 

      If you are going to ever conquer the noisy mind and the never ending 'busyness', I strongly encourage you to sign up today and commit the time to going through this Virtual Mini Retreat.  

      You will get the guidance and support to make it happen.

      Without the question that usually sabotages it all: “What do I do next?” 

      Sign up today. I’ll show you a new way to experience Inner Peace, Calm and Quiet your mind  without taking time off work or having to go far away.

      act now before it's too late!

      Get Onboard With Emotionally Fit Parents Program Now!

      Here's Exactly What You're Going to Get With Emotionally Fit Parents Program:

      Emotionally Fit Parents Program ($2,997 Value)

      This transformational program makes it easy to redesign your parenting style and have the opportunity for personal growth and development as you learn and adapt to new approaches that align with your values and aspirations as a parent. It's a journey of empowerment and transformation that can lead to greater fulfilment and harmony within your family unit. And you will be able to navigate challenges with greater ease and confidence. You develop the skills and strategies needed to address conflicts constructively and cultivate positive communication, leading to healthier relationships and happier outcomes for you and your children.

      Access to Emotionally Fit Parents FB Group (Priceless Value)

      This transformational program makes it easy to redesign your parenting style and have the opportunity for personal growth and development as you learn and adapt to new approaches that align with your values and aspirations as a parent. It's a journey of empowerment and transformation that can lead to greater fulfilment and harmony within your family unit. And you will be able to navigate challenges with greater ease and confidence. You develop the skills and strategies needed to address conflicts constructively and cultivate positive communication, leading to healthier relationships and happier outcomes for you and your children.

      Act Now and Get These Incredible Bonuses...

      BONUS #1: Get a little break ($377 Value)

      This a ‘feel good’ parenting guide makes it easy to dissolve built and shame, allowing you to feel good about yourself again ... by following the guidance offered in this guide, you can regain your confidence and peace of mind as a parent, leading to a more positive and fulfilling parenting experience. and getting a little break would mean experiencing relief from the burden of guilt and shame that often accompany parenting challenges. It would allow you to regain a sense of confidence and well-being, enabling you to approach parenting with renewed energy and positivity. Ultimately, it would mean reclaiming your joy and satisfaction in your parenting journey, leading to greater harmony and fulfilment in your live. 

      BONUS #2: Your Time Is Now book ($129 Value)

      This signed copy of my bestseller book with extra bonuses makes it simple for you to have access to valuable insights, strategies, and practical tips that are proven to help you navigate your life’s journey which enables you to gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that has already helped others transform their life and access to extra tools empowers you to deepen your understanding and implement positive changes in your life more effectively. It equips you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to overcome obstacles, embrace opportunities, and create the joyful, fulfilling family life you desire.

      BONUS #3: Expert parenting blueprint sessions ($997 Value)

      This 1:1 parenting consultation at the beginning and the end of the course holds the keys for you to receive personalised guidance and support from someone who has walked a similar path and understands your challenges firsthand which enables you to receive tailored advice and strategies that are specifically designed to meet your needs and address your unique situation. These sessions serve as invaluable checkpoints in your parenting journey and to map out your personal journey, identify areas for growth, and set clear goals for the weeks ahead. The initial session provides you with a solid foundation and direction as you embark on this transformative experience. The second session at the end of the course is equally important as it allows us to measure your progress and reflect on your achievements. We'll celebrate your successes, address any remaining challenges, and map out the next steps in your parenting journey. This ensures that you continue to build upon the progress you've made and maintain momentum towards becoming the parent you aspire to be. By offering you these 1:1 sessions, I'm providing you with the necessary tools and support to thrive as a parent. It's an investment in your growth and well-being, ensuring that you have everything you need to navigate the complexities of parenting with confidence and clarity.

      A Practical Guide to 
      Influence More and Hurt Less. 
      Only for the first seven participants to Enrol ($497 Value)  

      I know how it feels, and you might be wishing that you could just fix your kid. and I know what’s really important here, it’s not so much to fix as much as it is to have just a little bit more influence and help lead the way, being the captain of your sheep. So that’s why I have put together a FAST ACTION BONUS this is to ensure you have everything you need to thrive as a parent, that’s why for the first seven to join us I am gifting… Fix My Kid a practical cheat sheet guide because it’s time to influence more and hurt less. With this you can influence the behaviour because you will know what their behaviour is expressing something that perhaps currently it’s not clear though it will be. With this you will have the power to read between the lines and you know that by knowing this and having this at your fingertips it’s going to help you influence and fix your kid behaviour. You can fix the behaviour by influencing it. 

      Money Back Guarantee

      If the "Emotionally Fit Parents Program" doesn't help you gain awareness and unlearn past patterns, allowing you to redefine your parenting approach... if it doesn't transform your relationship with yourself and others... or if it fails to empower your teenager to embrace their authentic selves... then we'll refund your money, No Questions Asked! All the risk is squarely on us. You have nothing to lose and all to gain by Redesigning Your Parenting Style!

      here's everything you get today
      Emotionally Fit Parents Program 8 WEEK ONLINE PROGRAM with weekly support and live Q&A     ($ 2,997 Value)

      INSTANT ACCESS TO EMOTIONALLY FIT PARENTS FB GROUP Be supported by those who a willing to take this journey (Priceless)

      6 Months Extra Access to Emotionally Fit Parents Membership - So you can visit the content and lessons beyond the program time ($497 Value)

      · BONUS #1: Get a little break - A ‘feel good’ parenting guide (dissolve guilt and shame and feel good about yourself again) ($377 Value)

      · BONUS #2: Your Time Is Now’ book - Signed copy and a complementary library ($129 Value)

      · BONUS #3: 1x expert parenting blueprint session & 1x expert parenting follow up session ($997 Value)

      · FAST ACTION BONUS:  FIX MY KID - A Practical Guide to Influence More and Hurt Less - Only for the first seven participants to join ($497 Value) 

      Total Value Over: $4997
      But today, you're getting all of this...

      For Only 3 easy instalments of $199
      Save $100 with full investment of $497


      8 WEEK ONLINE PROGRAM with weekly support and live Q&A        

      4,197 Value


      8 WEEK ONLINE PROGRAM with weekly support and live Q&A        



      total value $4967
      x4 easy monthly installments
      SAVE $190 pay in full only $997
        with weekly support and live Q&A 
      • FOUNDERS GIFT Wellness Package
        Includes 3 Meditations & 40 Inspirational card Quotes 
      • BONUS 1 : Your Time Is Now - Claim Your Ultimate Potential 
        The unlocked eBook version to access from any device
        Book resources and Experts Guide To Daily Practices 
      • BONUS 2: Discover Your Core Drivers
        1:1 coaching session 
        with Mariana Ardelean
        Available for the founder’s members only limited to the first 7 people that join
      • BONUS 3: Support Facebook Private Group - Instant Access 
      Step 1: Contact
      Step 2: BILLING Address
      Step 3: Credit Card Info
      Credit Card Number:
      CVC Code:
      Expiry Month:
      Expiry Year:
      Save $100 pay in full $497
      $199 easy x3 monthly instalments
      Item amount
      Dynamically Updated $XX.00
       0402 932 866

      More than $4,997 VALUE

      Only 3 easy instalments of $199
      Save $100 with a full investment of $497 TODAY

      Secure Processing

      Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.


      8 WEEK ONLINE PROGRAM with weekly support and live Q&A        

      4,197 Value


      8 WEEK ONLINE PROGRAM with weekly support and live Q&A        

      what you get...

      It’s time to give yourself (and those around you!) a space for a clean start, a reset & a well deserved mindset makeover!
      Just like we've done for our past participants...

      Total Value of The : $4967
      for only 3x easy payments of $199
      or Save $100 with one payment of $499
      *Limited Spots Available

      setting you up for success...

      A retreat at home... how does it work?
      A retreat at home is the perfect opportunity to fully rest, relax and reset your energy without having to even leave your home! It is important though that you make sure you have some dedicated space where you won’t be disturbed for the time of this mini-retreat, wether it’s a small room or even the whole house, if you would like! ;)
      THE DETAILS...
      • You will be sent some instructions prior to the event and how to best set up your home and what you need to make the most out of this experience.
      • ​You will be joining us ONLINE via Zoom. For this, you will need an internet connection, and a device such a computer, tablet or phone to be able to join us. You will have the opportunity to join with or without your camera. There’s no pressure here!
      • ​There will be guided activities during the retreat and some short breaks for you to be able to make yourself a cup of tea, or have a toilet break.
      • And that’s it!
      • Yoga Mat and a cushion
      • ​An eye pillow or eye mask (optional) and a blanket
      • ​Journal and Pen
      • ​A candle and some incense (optional)
      • ​A bottle of water and your favourite herbal tea
      • ​Comfortable clothes
      • ​A dedicated space for these few hours
      • Access to internet connection and a device such as your tablet, laptop or PC
      • Make sure you take this time off from any other commitments, calls, appointments, etc. Let those you are living with know that you will be en effect ‘away’ during the hours of the event. Doing this will ensure you are fully present and ready to relax!
      • ​Have everything you need ready for the retreat the night before in order to avoid rushing or worrying just before the event. 
      • ​Make the decision of unplugging from your daily routine and to enjoy this dedicated time for you. You deserve it! It’s ok to put yourself first! 

      It’s time to give yourself (and those around you!) a space for a clean start, a reset & a well deserved mindset makeover!
      Just like we've done for our past participants...



      Total Value of The Virtual Mini RETREAT: $467
      FOR ONLY $67
      *Limited Spots Available
      © 2024 Mariana Ardelean  |  Empowering Strategies
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